Thursday, February 23, 2012

First Post - An Introduction

In 1997, a group of men gathered at a small wood shop on Foucher Street, just yards from the Mississippi River in New Orleans. They had decided that the city of New Orleans had gone long enough without fully recognizing the achievements of Andrew Jackson Higgins during the Second World War.  They wanted to build a reminder of what Higgins had created and how he contributed to the war effort and the city of New Orleans.  This group eventually built a Higgins LCVP from the ground up, and completely restored a Higgins LCP(L) to its war-time condition. The Higgins Boat Society, the forerunner to the PT-305 restoration crew, prided itself on completely restoring the landing craft to their original conditions, using the same materials and techniques as often as possible. The Higgins boat society was just getting warmed up when it decided to restore a Higgins PT boat.
The Patrol Torpedo boat served in the US Navy during the Second World War. The concept behind this weapon is a light and fast craft, capable of delivering a knockout blow with a torpedo to any size capital ship. Their initial role as a torpedo delivery platform remained throughout the war; however, the boats began to encounter ships that were not suitable torpedo targets. PT Squadrons adapted to this role by increasing their armament, becoming fast gunboats. Pound for pound, PT boats became some of most heavily armed ships during World War II. Their impact was felt from the sudden jerk of a torpedo explosion to the violence of a high-speed gun run.
Working in close conjunction with the National World War II Museum the former Higgins Boat Society became the PT-305 restoration volunteers when the World War II Museum acquired Higgins built PT-305 in 2007. This is a complex and impressive restoration that could not take place without the combined efforts of the National World War II Museum and the remarkable talent and dedication of the PT-305 restoration volunteers.
This webpage will be used to tell the story of the restoration through the eyes of two of the volunteers on the project.  We will look back at the project, and through the next few posts catch up to the present.  We hope to receive your questions and comments as we share the story of restoring PT-305.  

This is the crew in about 2010.  Photo Copyright of Ron Moranto.

Post by Josh and Kali

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